
Making caramel pudding is a fast process that cannot wait for hunting around for ingredients. So before you begin, make sure you have everything ready stand by.

材料Ingredients (8-9cups):
全蛋 medium eggs X 6
砂糖 white sugar X 90g
牛奶 full milk X 600ml
香草精 Vanilla extract/essence X 1 tsp
(naturally extract from Vanilla beans)
焦糖 Caramel:
砂糖 white sugar X 120g (which means 1tbp/ pudding cup)
熱水 hot water X 50ml (app.3tbps)

製作焦糖 Making caramel:
1. 放入砂糖,以中小火慢慢煮溶,覺得溶得不均勻可以輕搖pan。(不需要攪拌砂糖,攪拌反而會令砂糖凝固成結晶)
Heat sugar on low-medium heat in a non-stick pan, you can swirl the pan a bit but don't stir the sugar.
2. 等到砂糖完全溶解成咖啡色即離火,數三下,然後加入熱水攪拌成焦糖漿。(熱水會令砂糖突然沸騰,加入時要小心)
As soon as the sugar melted into coffee-colored liquid, take the pan off the heat. Count to three, then add the hot water to the pan, whisk until caramel sauce is smooth. (Note than when you add the hot water, the mixture will foam up considerably, plz be careful)
3. 把焦糖漿倒入模中備用
Pour evenly into each cups, set aside.

製作布丁Making Pudding:
1. 加入蛋、砂糖、香草精,攪拌均勻
combine eggs, sugar and vanilla extract, blend well
2. 牛奶加熱至沸騰前即離火,分4-5次加入蛋液中,邊加入邊快速攪拌,讓蛋液慢慢適應牛奶的溫度,否則會煮熟蛋液
Heat the milk until it almost boil, stir it into the egg mixture bit by bit n blend it quickly
3. 過濾布丁液1-2次,令布丁更嫩滑細緻
filter the mixture 1-2 times to make it smooth

4. 將布丁模放入烤盤中,倒入布丁液
Place cups in a large baking pan, pour mixture into pudding cups.
5. 熱水倒入烤盤至一半滿, 用鋁紙把烤盤封起來
Add boiling water to the pan, up to half full, cover it with aluminum foil
6. 推進烤箱,180-200度烤25mins,大的布丁再延長5mins
Bake at 200°C for 25mins, add 5mins more for larger size pudding

7. 取出布丁,冷卻後放入冰箱冷藏2小時以上
Remove from water, keep in the fridge for 2hrs up after cooling
carefully loosen sides of pudding with a stick then invert on plate, serve with berries.

*小提示: 如果布丁烤出來有洞洞,表示烤的溫度過高;下次試試看溫度降低20-30度,時間延長10-15分鐘。
*Tip: If there're bubbles found on the baked pudding, that means the heat was too high;
next time try baking at 20-30°C lower and extend the baking time 10-15mins more.

ah~ 喂你吃一口! =]
伸延閱讀: 「愛買愛現」 Bend n bake 烘焙矽膠模具
攝影器材:Samsung NV11