5,6個人在廚房,做了整整兩天才做完。最後做了多少盤也忘了~ ^^
"黃"家蘿蔔糕 (12盤份量)
Turnip Cake/Lo Bak Go (12 batches)
材料 ingredient:
白蘿蔔 Radish x 4kg (在sydney建議買韓國蘿蔔,質素比較有保證)
粘米粉 Rice Flour x 800g
糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour x 200g (也可以用生粉/鷹粟粉100g代替)
冬菇 dried Mushrooms x10
臘腸 chinese sausages x4
瑤柱 conpoy x3
蝦米 dried shrimps x1 cup
油蔥酥 fried onions x2 cups
粘米粉 Rice Flour x 800g
糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour x 200g (也可以用生粉/鷹粟粉100g代替)
冬菇 dried Mushrooms x10
臘腸 chinese sausages x4
瑤柱 conpoy x3
蝦米 dried shrimps x1 cup
油蔥酥 fried onions x2 cups
雞湯(or清水)stock(or water) x1000ml
調味 Seasoning:
鹽 Salt x 2 teaspoons白胡椒粉 white pepper x 1 teaspoon
醬油 Soy sauce x 90ml (= 6 tablespoons)
蠔油 Oyster Sauce x 150ml (=10 tablespoons)
= 準備步驟 Preparation =
- 蝦米、冬菇、瑤柱泡水1小時
Shrimp, mushroom & conpoy soak in water for 1 hours
- 冬菇切粒
finely dice mushroom
- 瑤柱用刀柄碾碎成瑤柱絲
smash conpoy using knife handle
- 臘腸用米酒擦身,切粒
Clean the surface of sausages with a bit of rice wine, finely dice
- 蘿蔔去皮、刨成蘿蔔絲
Peel & grate the radish
- 將粘米粉、糯米粉加入雞湯 400ml攪拌均勻
Mix rice flour, glutinous rice flour with 400ml of stock
= 開始製作 Start Making =
Add oil, fry the sausages, shrimps and mushrooms over medium fire until fragrant, season it
2. 待香味飄出後,倒入油蔥酥、蘿蔔絲大火翻炒,炒至蘿蔔變軟出水
Then add radish & fried onions, fry over high fire until radish goes soft n juicy.
3. 關火後,讓煮熟的材料稍為降溫,再倒入米漿快速攪拌均勻
Turn off the fire, add rice mixture, stir it quick and mix it well
4. 將攪拌好的蘿蔔米漿倒入鍚紙盤內,在表面舖上瑤柱絲
Pour the mixture into a foil container, sprinkle conpoy on top
5. 將鍚紙盤放入蒸籠內,蒸大約50-60分鐘
Steam for about 50-60mins
6. 蒸熟後取出,完全放涼後切片即可享用
Take it out when it's cooked, wait until it fully cool down, then slice to serve!
The cake will be very sticky when it's hot but it will become firm when it's cool
It can be serve straightaway, or cut into thick slices and fry with a little bit of oil.
祝大家新年快樂,天天胃口開! ○(* ̄︶ ̄*)○
- 蝦米、冬菇、瑤柱泡水1小時
Shrimp, mushroom & conpoy soak in water for 1 hours
- 冬菇切粒
finely dice mushroom
- 瑤柱用刀柄碾碎成瑤柱絲
smash conpoy using knife handle
- 臘腸用米酒擦身,切粒
Clean the surface of sausages with a bit of rice wine, finely dice
- 蘿蔔去皮、刨成蘿蔔絲
Peel & grate the radish
- 將粘米粉、糯米粉加入雞湯 400ml攪拌均勻
Mix rice flour, glutinous rice flour with 400ml of stock
= 開始製作 Start Making =
Add oil, fry the sausages, shrimps and mushrooms over medium fire until fragrant, season it
2. 待香味飄出後,倒入油蔥酥、蘿蔔絲大火翻炒,炒至蘿蔔變軟出水
Then add radish & fried onions, fry over high fire until radish goes soft n juicy.
3. 關火後,讓煮熟的材料稍為降溫,再倒入米漿快速攪拌均勻
Turn off the fire, add rice mixture, stir it quick and mix it well
4. 將攪拌好的蘿蔔米漿倒入鍚紙盤內,在表面舖上瑤柱絲
Pour the mixture into a foil container, sprinkle conpoy on top
5. 將鍚紙盤放入蒸籠內,蒸大約50-60分鐘
Steam for about 50-60mins
6. 蒸熟後取出,完全放涼後切片即可享用
Take it out when it's cooked, wait until it fully cool down, then slice to serve!
The cake will be very sticky when it's hot but it will become firm when it's cool
It can be serve straightaway, or cut into thick slices and fry with a little bit of oil.
祝大家新年快樂,天天胃口開! ○(* ̄︶ ̄*)○
攝影伙伴﹕Samsung NV11