
Jamie's Italian CWB

8月是我的生日,也是 Jamie's Italian 在香港開店一週年。這特別的日子,那怕是短暫的午餐,我也要和偶像一起慶祝。(´ ▽ ` )ノ

Jamie's Italian CWB

Jamie's Italian CWB

Jamie's Italian CWB

Jamie's Italian CWB

Express Lunch Menu 走清新簡約路線,比較適合女生﹔男生可以看一下「特別推介」,個人覺得都很不錯! ^^

Jamie's Italian CWB

Jamie's Italian CWB

天氣實在太熱,先來一杯 Ginger mojito

Jamie's Italian CWB 

香脆魷魚 Crispy Squid with garlic mayo & chilli $60 聽說是Cosmopolitan小編的最愛

Jamie's Italian CWB 

香脆意大利芝士雲吞 Italian Nachos - Crispy Fried ravioli stuffed with three cheeses, served with arrabiata & parmesan $68 沾一點辣醬,是滋味的開胃小吃

Jamie's Italian CWB

Jamie's Italian CWB

青口魷魚墨汁意粉 Mussel & Squid Spaghetti Nero - Squid-ink pasta, flash-fried squid & mussels with slow cooked, tender octopus, capers, anchovies, tomatoes and white wine $108 小份的也同樣豐富,醬汁做得出色,鮮味十足

Jamie's Italian CWB

拍了一張封面款,手癢癢的加個LOGO XD

Jamie's Italian CWB

主角出場,木板上的 Express Lunch $148 包括 Starter + Main + Ice Lemon Tea

Jamie's Italian CWB

Soup of the Day - 蕃茄凍湯

Jamie's Italian CWB

意式蕃茄燉雞 Chicken Cacciatore - Free-range marinated chicken in a red pepper & tomato sauce, served with roast potatos 雞肉嫩滑,加入棗肉令味道帶一點東方甜香

Jamie's Italian CWB

另一份才是我的 Express lunch,幾乎是全素食 XD

Jamie's Italian CWB

Starter-風乾火腿烤麵包Prosciutto Bruschetta with cherry tomatoes & olive oil

Jamie's Italian CWB

木板下,是Jamie's Italian的靈魂支柱之一:La Bella San Marzano Peeled Tomatoes with Basil Leaf

Jamie's Italian CWB

意式焗茄子 Aubergine Parmigiana - Layers of grilled aubergine, Bella Lodi cheese & tomato sauce, served with seasonal greens

Jamie's Italian CWB

today's seasonal greens - Kale 羽衣甘藍沙律 :)

Jamie's Italian CWB

另加$48,換一客Tiramisulady finger 的部份換成了果乾蛋糕,加上orange zest,果香清麗

Jamie's Italian CWB

一份甜品怎會滿足?再一杯我最愛的 triple gelato,黑巧克力、海鹽焦糖和vanilla,真的好愛好愛~

I will definitely come back for this <3

Jamie's Italian CWB

Jamie's Italian (CWB)

銅鑼灣登龍街1-29號金朝陽中心2期 Midtown 2 樓 / +852 3958 2222 / 星期一至日: 11:00-23:00


伸延閱讀: 尖沙咀海港城最新熱點 - Jamie's Italian

Jamie's Italian CWB

攝影器材: FujiFilm X-M1 & iPhone 6






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